
Search "user:ruiguilhermelopez"

9 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - A new variant I've been thinking about "Fuse Chess"#7

hi to all i'm from portugal and me and some friends have formed a very informal stunk club. we smoke, drink and play chess. one of the variants we came across as something to do with your fuse, and to…

Lichess Feedback - Unfair advantage in correspondence games by using lichess users and masters database.#3

so, at least, u should add a question mark to your title noob2000, to be fair...

General Chess Discussion - If I am sick, should I be playing chess?#7

hello. dude, me and my friends stunk a lot. that is to say that we play while roling and drinking, and in my house the rules are like that, when the mountain club meets he or she that thas not smoke n…

General Chess Discussion - Status Update On Niemann Litigation#46

Big questions here are: judge is White, so he opens the case, that's normal, but who get's to play whit black? Hans? and what will White play? e4, best by test, as Fischer said? and is Stockfish prepa…

General Chess Discussion - Game analysis#4

when the game as finhshes click on the figure of a small microscope above the notation screan. then you are in analyticas board. use arrow requet graphics, play at will, but dcheck is stockfish is on …

General Chess Discussion - Cheating is getting out of Hand#7

fans for hans - check released annal taboos - check can 1 smoke moke - question mark think really big watch socieaty and human relations and cultural constructs as scams (games religions courts govern…

General Chess Discussion - Why god created mouse slips?!>?!?!?#11

persian matt makers allways leave an unperfeccion in their work 'cos only god is perfect, same for mouse slips i guess

General Chess Discussion - help me#17

as someone said play the opening like a book the midlegame like a magician and the endgame like a machine and allways look at all the board and verify what changes the opponents play have resulted on.…

General Chess Discussion - Is there anyone else?#33

caissa loves all games no matter the time they take to play enjoy chess in all its forms best wishes for u all
