
A new variant I've been thinking about "Fuse Chess"

I don't know if it's been done by someone else before or not but I'd like to share a variant called "Fuse Chess"!

As the name suggests, pieces can be fused and can be used as one would plan. It's just like chess but your own pieces can share any square and same pieces can double their scope of movement as well if possible.

The game starts with the normal initial position and pawns can move two squares just like in normal chess but pieces can pile over one another.
So, for instance if on move one white plays Kd2 , the knight and pawn become one piece and can be, if desired, moved as one, so on the next move that pawn and knight can go to b3.

Also, some pieces when doubled can double their movement scope! Like two knights can gallop two times( Two knights at a1 can go to c2,b2, d4 ,e3 and E1). Only exceptions are pawns! Pawns can never Fuse with one another.
Combination that possible:
Rook+ Bishop
Rook+King(yes, King can also be fused)
Rook + Pawn
Everything can be fused except for pawns and two bishops because they are on different colours!
King has to be captured for win and stalemate results in win for the stalemated player!

Few tricky things:
If a fused piece is taken or forked you lose all your fused piece.
If a fused piece has a king, it can't go through checks.
You can always chose to move a single piece of a fused piece if you want, fused piece can be reversed and doesn't have to stay the same way for the whole game.
En passant is possible against a fused piece if it moves in front of your opponents pawn (the way en passant works) if you have a pawn in your fused piece.
King can never Fuse with a pawn.
Kings can never touch, so a fused piece with the King can never capture the King.
If the King is in check, it can Fuse with other piece as long as it doesn't move through check.

I think I've pretty explained everything about it. Ask me if there's something that doesn't make sense.
Would multiple pieces be able to fuse together? If so a queen + knight combo is far too easy to get and nearly impossible to stop (if it gets next to the king anywhere it's mates) On there are fairy pieces with this sort of gameplay, but their rarely used, and when they are it's usually in small amounts. I feel like "fuse chess" would just be stacking high-quality pieces and chucking them at the opponent. I don't really know, I would have to see it in practice first but that's just my first impression.
@LichLegend that's a very interesting point. Unfortunately I don't have any engine analysis available about this variant so I won't be able to prove if it's an equal position to begin the game with , however many variants including crazyhouse, atomic chess, anti chess,etc have mostly been better for white if not winning, so having a slight edge as white wouldn't really take away much fun from this fairy piece gameplay in my opinion. Yes, I agree that some combination of pieces are very strong, as you mentioned, but your opponent can also do the same, I think because there are so many possibilities with fusing pieces there must be some "defense and offense" tricks for black pieces.

Again, I don't know if it would be solved by the engine or not, like on the very first move, I hope it's just not forced mate or something, I think I'll try to play a few games with myself today and see for myself.

I also didn't know chess com had those variants, I'll check them out! Thanks for replying. :D
Cant work. The idea of variants its to change the game without changing the piece actual function and mobility.

In this case you not only change the mobility of the pieces, you also need extra pieces to visually illustrate that they are, in essence, something else.

Might as well make a new board game.
hi to all
i'm from portugal and me and some friends have formed a very informal stunk club. we smoke, drink and play chess. one of the variants we came across as something to do with your fuse, and to play it we just put the two pieces together on the square. they dont fit exactly but it does the trick. we never got so far as to set all the rules and just had fun with it, but it can be played, and some problems pointed here solved. main thing i guess is to have fun. u have given some time to think this thing over but i disagree on some of your rules but anyway u have gone way further than us, so hurra for your proposal, your the fuse variant master so far

caissa loves all chess players, even the bad ones

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