
Why did this happen?

You attempt to negate my opinions by calling me a troll. I have stated fact here..if that is trolling,so be it.
A self-confessed cheat cheated..not my fault. It seems that you are defending cheating by calling me a troll because i state fact.You attempt to denigrate and marginalise me via baseless insults.
Why do you leap so readily to the defense of a self-confessed cheat ?

You have to understand that at IM level like Koustav, prep is a very important thing. They take opening very seriously, especially if you are playing a round robin tournament. I don't get the big deal- he realized that he needed to check that line to be sure that he knows what to do against it.
@bunyip The notion that an IM needs to engine-check move 7 of an opening "to win a game" on Lichess can hardly be taken seriously by any reasonable person interested in fair-play and promoting respect for the rules of this platform. Using incendiary language and tone won't move this discussion forward anymore than burning anyone on a cross will.

@Koustav123456 Clearly broke the rules, by his own admission. So, what is to follow is between him and @thibault + Lichess.

But that said, this guy isn't running after silly online rating points. He is a titled player. Does this mean he should flaunt the rules and do as he wishes? Not at all. But it does argue against reflexively lumping him in with all other anonymous point-driven misfits who feed off the communal spirit of this wonderful platform and generate the ire and ill-will which are often found in these threads. Your reflexive indictment of him as a person because of this incident doesn't strike me as very mindful of this spirit...

All titled players have devoted an incredible amount of time and effort to develop an understanding of the game most of us will never even come close to achieving. Given this context, it's not much of a leap to believe that he reflexively engine-checks a position in an opening, especially since it is normally an inherent part of modern correspondence chess. It so happens Lichess has a different rule and doesn't allow engine-checking a move in a correspondence game, something any serious modern correspondence game player would marvel at since it is considered an integral part of the game in serious circles.

Should @Koustav123456 have known better? Absolutely. Did he know better and ignore those rules because in his mind the personal imperatives of his tournament prep outweighed the more public ones that preside on this platform and are necessary to promote fair-play amongst a bunch of anonymous, sometimes ego-driven, competitors? Perhaps... only he truly knows, one way or the other. Does this warrant publicly burning him on a cross? I think not.
Guys pls lets give it a break. We don't have to continue to argue about this
lets just a calm down and move on. Koustav made the mistake of cheating, but he is honest about it and understands what he did wrong. He didn't intend to cheat. I do not think Koustav is going to continue to cheat. There is absolutely no sense in continuing to argue about this topic. Thibault, devs, its time to close this

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