
russia vs ukraine

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Current events can of course be discussed on lichess. It's what an Off-Topic section is for, isn't it?
Putin will install a puppet government backed by Russian troops and the Ukrainian people will suffer.

It was the catastrophic disaster of Chernobyl in the Ukraine that exposed the systemic lying and incompetence of the Soviet Union that started their collapse.

It may be this invasion of Ukraine that leads to the fall of Putin's dictatorship in Russia.
I hope lichess will disconect all russian players from this platform cause their goverment again doing crimes against humanity
@Martinas said in #8:
> I hope lichess will disconect all russian players from this platform cause their goverment again doing crimes against humanity

Did Russians bite you or something? they didn't have a choice not like the voted for the war.
@Martinas said in #8:
> I hope lichess will disconect all russian players from this platform cause their goverment again doing crimes against humanity

Average Russian citizens might not have access to any outside views except for places like this.

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