
The lichess anti-cheat system is capable to counter this ?

> Why did I get banned, wasn't this impossible to detect?

> Chess engines simply play differently than humans. It's fairly easy to detect by pure statistics. For example, bans about 16 000 players for fair play abuse each month.

> Your ban most likely wasn't because of the site detecting A.C.A.S, it was because of your suspicious behaviour patterns. A.C.A.S cannot fix this, it's your responsiblity to play as a human.

> Don't want to get banned again? Don't use A.C.A.S against other humans.

@Deadban said in #2:
> Omegalul.

Apparently, you still don't seize your attitude doesn't help, so let me explain in words even a labrador would understand : I am not a pro like you, I am not a 2000 elo player like you, sufficient and superior like you, I'm just a player who wants to improve his chess. Not a great one but I would like to believe I'm not so shabby nor pathetic. I've found in Lichess a chess platform that seemed to take fair players seriously. For that I was thankful and financed a little something, like numerous others, to make sure it lasts. The thing is, even if I am aware that my openings are not so great, that I could play much better if I concentrate a little, I found out recently that there is *A LOT* of games i played that seemed to be unfair, with Kasparov-like moves from my opponents i still do not understand. I may often blunders, but I reasonably think that players with the same Elo are doing the same, and that I have my chances. You may blame my little intelligence but when I found out that it's terribly simple to find a program capable to cheat everyone, I was just terrified and brang back everything into question. With your understanding of the situation and your capabilities, if you're not capable to help a fellow player and to reassure the Lichess userbase, i don't know what you are useful for.
you ask: can Lichess detect use of this script.

The script ITSELF says: use at your own risk, you won't play like a human so you will be detected.

That's all you need, isn't it?
@Cedur216 said in #4:
> That's all you need, isn't it?

That's not "all i need". I need evidences. That's not the primary objective of a chess platform like Lichess ? To give certainty that everything is done to make sure the userbase isn't confronted to unfair players ?

Will ask for a refund then...
@kinsana said in #3:
> Apparently, you still don't seize your attitude doesn't help, so let me explain in words even a labrador would understand : I am not a pro like you, I am not a 2000 elo player like you, sufficient and superior like you, I'm just a player who wants to improve his chess. Not a great one but I would like to believe I'm not so shabby nor pathetic. I've found in Lichess a chess platform that seemed to take fair players seriously. For that I was thankful and financed a little something, like numerous others, to make sure it lasts. The thing is, even if I am aware that my openings are not so great, that I could play much better if I concentrate a little, I found out recently that there is *A LOT* of games i played that seemed to be unfair, with Kasparov-like moves from my opponents i still do not understand. I may often blunders, but I reasonably think that players with the same Elo are doing the same, and that I have my chances. You may blame my little intelligence but when I found out that it's terribly simple to find a program capable to cheat everyone, I was just terrified and brang back everything into question. With your understanding of the situation and your capabilities, if you're not capable to help a fellow player and to reassure the Lichess userbase, i don't know what you are useful for.

What are you terrified of? It's an online chess game. Even if you wind up playing a cheater, you can still analyze the game afterward and learn from it. You say you just want to improve your chess - then do that and don't worry so much about the occasional cheater that you'll run into.
@borninthesixties said in #6:
> What are you terrified of? It's an online chess game. Even if you wind up playing a cheater, you can still analyze the game afterward and learn from it. You say you just want to improve your chess - then do that and don't worry so much about the occasional cheater that you'll run into.

Yeah. And don't worry if the 1550-1700 elo userbase is completely infected by cheaters. An other 20 years being confronted with it, and you'll play like stockfish and stop complaining. Am i the one with a problem or cheaters are ?

I don't know what your problem is but it ain't me.

I happened to click on your link, have a look around and then read the Q&A. Found the first very funny, copy/pasted it here and wrote a discord reaction as comment.

You aren't involved whatsoever in this, I don't know how you can feel attacked by this. Chill out.
@kinsana said in #5:
> That's not "all i need". I need evidences. That's not the primary objective of a chess platform like Lichess ? To give certainty that everything is done to make sure the userbase isn't confronted to unfair players ?
> Will ask for a refund then...

Look up the videos linked in my blog if you need.

What Lichess can do: spot cheaters with very advanced methods.
What Lichess (and basically any other site) can't do:
-> supervise all games automatically to catch smarter cheaters (not enough resources, that's where reports and mod work comes into play)
-> prevent the intention to cheat, when a player wants to cheat, they do so until they're caught.
-> fix people with paranoid attitudes about cheating.
proving it is able to detect certain programs would kinda undermine the idea.

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