
Good base openings that are easy to learn for the 1700+ rapid range?

LOL. OK dude, have it your way. Mastering the Chess Openings by John Watson is a crap book.

To the original poster...

I wouldn't expect a repertoire book for White for all of the black responses to 1.e4 be the "be all to end all" on such a wide ranging bunch of openings. One book won't answer all your questions on 1.e4.. Not even Mastering the Chess |Openings. You may like some of the authors choices, you may like most of them, but I doubt you will like them all. Why limit yourself to only one choice, and someone else's choice to boot? You may not even like some of the authors choices. If it was me getting started with 1.e4, I would take a broad overview till I found the variations that best suited my style, then decide for myself and dig deeper in the theory. But that will be more work than having someone spoon feed you one answer for every possibility.

Over and out

Over and out.
@AndreasSchoolChess said in #1:
> I have only been using the queens gambit and some English variations since i have been 1500+ ...
@AndreasSchoolChess said in #3:
> I need to learn stuff to play with the kings pawn
@fwh060a said in #4:
> ... Maybe you buy Mastering the Chess Openings vol 1 by John Watson which is a pretty good survey book for 1.e4.
@kindaspongey said in #8:
> ... I actually do not think so. ... Instead of looking for a 1 e4 survey, perhaps one should consider a book like Opening Repertoire 1 e4. ... First Steps: 1 e4 e5 is, to some degree, a survey of 1 e4 e5. ...
@fwh060a said in #11:
> LOL. OK dude, have it your way. Mastering the Chess Openings by John Watson is a crap book.
That is not my "way". I simply do not think that "Mastering the Chess Openings vol 1 ... is a pretty good survey book for 1.e4."
@fwh060a said in #11:
> To the original poster...
> I wouldn't expect a repertoire book for White for all of the black responses to 1.e4 be the "be all to end all" on such a wide ranging bunch of openings. ...
Did anyone indicate that a repertoire book WOULD be "the 'be all to end all' ..."? I think that a repertoire book would just be a possible way to get started. Looking through online repertoire book samples would be a free way to get some idea about some options.

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