
correspondence games - engine support

I see. Looks like computer assistance in correspondence chess is allowed internationally but not in America?

"CCLA has a 'no computer engine usage policy' in determining moves."
Yeah. And even if! Computers are not always right and have difficulties with certain positions. Though one week of calculation is plenty...
In the end I always thought of a correspondence game as a deep theoretical chess discussion, and even theoreticians use computers from time to time, don't they?
However, if the general agreement on Lichess is: No computers! then that's ok, too. It just should be mentioned somewhere more prominently, not only in the EULA or whatever.
I have been playing correspondence chess for a good bit now. I use ICCF for that (official and international site that beats all other ways to play correspondece chess by a lot). No one there even questions are engines allowed. I have played some correspondence without engines in and found that kinda interesting for casual play. However in my opinion (no offense, but this is best way to express myself) only absolute retards can play competetive Coresspondence chess without using engine. That is to hard to find cheaters and prove they are cheating. That is even more interesting and useful for improving your chess knowledge to play with engine as you master openings very well as well as seeing best ideas from engine (that's same as learning from very very good game).
"Looks like computer assistance in correspondence chess is allowed internationally but not in America?"
That is correct.
this is why i do not play correspondance chess
maybe the guy has 200 opening books on the shelf, maybe he has another computer working 25/8 on the side
where is the fun of loosing games to a silicon monster, or Nalimov tablebase??
A while ago I looked at the dutch corr. chess website, thinking about joining as a member, and I was almost shocked to read that they actually recommend to use a chess engine and a powerful computer.

Times have changed.
Wouldn't the battle then be about who has the best engine and most poerful hardware?
Sure there are endings where comp can go wrong and estimate draw positions as won because if the win is too far away they go on material basis (for example some endings with Q against R+2P) but in the openings and middle game comp will be superior I guess.

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