
Best Way to do Tactics?

Solving puzzles is like getting lost during a car trip. What do you do to find the correct way? You read the road signs! You don't try to find the way by driving randomly, right? In chess, it's the same thing. Look for signs in the position that point out to the correct road. A hanging piece, for example, is usually a key element to understand the position. Pins, skewers, mate threats, in sum, the tactical motifs are all signs that can show you the right path.

Never start solving a puzzle by calculating. First, you need to gather as much information as possible. After that, you'll find out that only a few moves make sense in that particular position. That way you can discard a bunch of useless lines and you can spare time and effort. You can start by counting the material. It's an essential information without which you can't safely start calculating anything. Follow the clues and things will start to look much easier. And have a nice trip!

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