
Becomming a GM + $$$$$ for teaching me


bullet 2700 - impressive flagging - average oponnet ELO 1695.88

what about your tactics? over the 4000 solved exercises and about 1100 rating? Are you solving it too fast or you borrowed it to a kiwi bird?

If you want to become a GM then hide your NZD and work hard on every aspect of the game.
GM title doesn't mean much these days. Perhaps you should aim higher and become the world champion.
Garry Kasparov is the best chess coach in the world! His students win top tournaments! You should hire him if you can afford. He has a reputation of not being cheap.
I dont understand his bullet streak. how can that even happen
@brochess I can explain it.
@DST001 plays casual bullet games with beginners like me. I, among many other players, have been desperately trying to beat @DST001 over and over again, losing every time. I believe you can also try to beat @DST001 in casual 0.5+0 hyper bullet games and further improve his legendary streak. If you manage to beat him and stop his streak, you will be a legend!
I beat him in variant hyperbullet. Hes too good though at flagging :)
Lol your score vs @DST001 is 4 wins vs 88 losses. Mine is 6 wins (all in Atomic hyper bullet) vs 34 losses. I am much better than you @noob2chess because @DST001 kept losing to me in Atomic over and over again until he no longer wants to play with me in this variant!

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