
Could this Guy be 2752 Fide Rating?

@GabeMiami17 said in #20:
> All of my top games are against 2100s. My rating in blitz is inaccurate, ig im somewhere around 1900 blitz but at the time i hadnt played in a long time and was 1100. when i entered tournaments a good 90% above 1600 berserked or played some dumb opening which led to me winning like 70%. so that stat isnt really suspicious
Thx for Info, I think You will get all your Skill Back!
@aVague said in #21:
> Thx for Info, I think You will get all your Skill Back!

thanks, I'll get back to grinding later today lol
@GabeMiami17 said in #22:
> thanks, I'll get back to grinding later today lol
will be very Cool. Much Pleasure!
Also, don't get crazy. A 2752 fide rated guy would be top 10 in the entire chess federation rankings
@NaitikJerath4012 said in #24:
> Also, don't get crazy. A 2752 fide rated guy would be top 10 in the entire chess federation rankings
I got it already, Stop discussing this Topic( to All)
Just seems to be high and strong like my friend who put it as 3000
@kabug said in #27:
> Just seems to be high and strong like my friend who put it as 3000
Nope. He faked it. Unsubscribing...