
Lichess coaches

CM leochessq Lichess coach picture

CM Leonardo Gavrilovic

I play training games. The tempo of the game is according to the student's wishes.Written analysis after the game.

LocationCacak Serbia
LanguagesСрпски језик, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 2104240423172404
Hourly rateI give my lesonss for 7 Eur per hour. Payment over PayPal on the next email address
GM dulemaster Lichess coach picture

GM Dusan Popovic

Improvement guaranteed!

LocationNovi Sad Serbia
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 250429212748
Hourly rate45$ per hour. Training games 20$ per hour, all time controls are possible.
GM Storm89 Lichess coach picture

GM Nikola Nestorovic

Love chess? Want to improve? Look no further!

LocationBelgrade Serbia
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 250826412660
Hourly rate60$
FM steva23 Lichess coach picture

FM Stevan Jovic

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new!

LocationNovi Sad Serbia
LanguagesСрпски језик
RatingFIDE: 23002315239517751938
Hourly rate$25
IM mornarpopaj Lichess coach picture

IM Nikola Radovanovic

You will never know what you are capable of until you take that first step and just go for it!

LocationKragujevac Serbia
LanguagesСрпски језик, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 242630112690
Hourly rateLessons - 35€/h; Training games - 25€/h
IM Kaisa014 Lichess coach picture

IM Slavisa Milanovic

Theory without practice is useless

LocationBanjani Serbia
LanguagesСрпски језик, русский язык, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 232625112534
Hourly rateLessons - 20€/h with homework and additional material ; Training games - ONLY 8 Euro/h !!!
IM NPezelj Lichess coach picture

IM Novak Pezelj

Chess is not easy. It is hard work. It is passion. It is love.

LocationSombor Serbia
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 24962702
Hourly rate40$ per hour. Training games 20$ per hour, all time controls are possible.
GM Ratkovic_Miloje Lichess coach picture

GM Miloje Ratkovic

“Practice even what seems impossible. The left hand is useless at almost everything, for lack of practice. But it guides the reins better than the right. From practice.”​

LocationBelgrade Serbia
LanguagesEnglish (US), Српски језик, Bosanski, Hrvatski
RatingFIDE: 24892861
Hourly rate1 hour= 95 USD, 10 hours= 800 USD
FM Otrovnipacov2405 Lichess coach picture

FM Dusan Colovic

"In order to improve your game you must study the endgame before everything else" ~ Jose Raul Capablanca

Location Serbia
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 22922392
Hourly rate20$ one hour session, 36$ two hours session.Payment via Paypal.
GM Tilicheev_Viacheslav Lichess coach picture

GM Viacheslav Tilicheev

Looking for students who are willing to professionally improve their chess skills.

LocationPlovdiv Serbia
Languagesбългарски език, русский язык
RatingFIDE: 248728092701
Hourly rate45 €