
Possible bug in Chess960 software?

I played this blitz Chess960 game earlier today:

On moves 15 and 16, I desperately wanted to play 0-0-0, but I am not allowed to. I can't figure out why. I haven't moved my king or rook on b1 and I'm not crossing check with my king.

Am I misunderstanding the chess960 rules? Or is there a bug in the software perhaps?
Thanks for the bug report, it will be fixed by tomorrow.
I think it's because black captured a piece at a1 and the software assumes by default that it's a rook and that makes you unable to castle queen side
good job reporting. Is is me or it? in doubt, ask.. is my motto.
Same issue with white O-O castling (probably black is affected as well):

instead of Rc1 (25th ply or 13th move) I wanted to play O-O but the interface would not let me, probably because of Bxh1.

I am almost sure you will not miss any corner capture cases, but just in case...
@baladon23 said in #7:
> Same issue with white O-O castling (probably black is affected as well):
You played Rxa1 at move 9th, so it is correct that you wasn't able to castle.
@nt9 said in #9:
> You played Rxa1 at move 9th, so it is correct that you wasn't able to castle.
He's referring to kingside castling with his e1 rook though.

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