
Highest Wins by checkmate ratio?

@thebigdirtyflagger Your name is so befitting! Obviously at your level and above, flagging is a much needed skill as opponents are harder to swindle. Resignations also happen more your level, out of respect or losing a piece.
I'd say your stats are very good, especially when playing above your rating bracket & I'd guess you're a very aggressive player who sometimes falls on their sword and rarely draws?

Probably wrong but many thanks for the stats!

Not quite.

Resignations happen when there's no way of winning, i.e: player has too much time to complete an inevitable mate, or has such an overwhelming advantage on time/material, or purely because of tilt.

On the contrary, I'm an ultra defensive player that plays bullet with an opening designed to frustrate an opponent for as long as possible until they run out of time or they make a mistake. I grind the game to a halt to the point where my opponents are at times forced to go for hail mary attacks or try to flag me.

Now, I do play a lot at times when I don't have much energy and miss things I should have caught, and I still have to memorize lines in some cases, but for the most part this is extremely successful with minimal prep.

As a result, my opponents get tilted further and further, and the more I play the more I am able to leverage that advantage.
@thebigdirtyflagger Very efficient tactics! You sound horrible to play against!
Grinding people down is part of the mental side of chess, almost like psychological warfare, and I'm trying to do it more in games. It clearly works for you.

Thanks for your thoughts, probing the mind of superior players is always useful!

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