
9. ... f5 in the old/modern CK ain’t stupid

Books are already obsolete while being printed.
No, I mean opening books like on the Caro-Kann are obsolete: each Caro-Kann game played necessitates a revision.

Strategy books like "My System" by Nimzovich and "Chess Fundamentals" by Capablanca are perrenial.

"In chess the tactics may change but the strategic fundamental principles are always the same, so that Chess
Fundamentals is as good now as it was thirteen years ago. It will be as good a hundred years from now; as long in fact
as the laws and rules of the game remain what they are at present." - Capablanca
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Contrary to Tigran V. Petrosian I do not like "Chess Praxis" as much as "My System". Indeed, many of Nimzovich' opponents in the example games were much weaker than Nimzovich himself. The strength of "My System" is not so much the games, but rather the explanation of the elements and of positional play.

In the AVRO 1938 tournament Capablanca suffered from high blood pressure. During his game against Botvinnik all went black before Capablanca's eyes and he had to stagger to the bathroom to splash his eyes with cold water to regain his eyesight. The same high blood pressure caused his death in 1942.

The strategic principles have stayed the same. There are more recent books on strategy, but not as good.
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Capablanca‘s playing by ear (superficially) was his strength and his weakness. Everyone knows that.
Capablanca was already on his downhill road after he unexpectedly lost to Alekhine. He had trouble with the divorce from his first wife and high blood pressure that became lethal.
"I have known many chess players, but among them there has been only one genius - Capablanca!" - Lasker

Nimzovich won Carlsbad 1929 before Capablanca in part because Capablanca blundered a piece to Sämisch.

There are no contemporary strategy authors of the caliber of Capablanca or Nimzovich. They are all too busy playing, preparing, travelling, coaching.

Mikhalchishin and Dorfman are good, but not as clear.

Yes attacking the pawn from the front ...f6 in the French goes contrary to Nimzovich. However, all his pawn chain theory is still valid in the King's Indian Defence.

Besides the Caro-Kann with 4...Nf6 was invented by Nimzovich in 1907. He was far ahead of his time.
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