
How to Stop Making Common Mistakes and Reach 1600

A note on "religiously valuing material": I don't think it has anything to do with "religion", i.e. not believing a positional advantage can be more useful than material. Much rather it reflects lack of confidence in one's own skills and ability to convert such advantage. If I can speak for myself, way too many times the result was that 10 moves later, being ahead in development or positional advantage were gone and all that was left was being down in material. That's why I'm usually reluctant to sacrifice material unless I can see a clear attack plan or a way to win it back soon. And I'm quite sure it's similar with most lower lated players.

For advanced players who are able to look at the position and see that "white has (more than) enough compensation" it may be easy to forget that this wasn't always the case or that what is enough for them may not be enough for players with much less experience and skill.