
Search "user:trebe"

8 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Opening explorer to offer weighted random move#1

This would be a cool feature in the Opening Explorer Have some keyboard binding that will pick a random move, weighted by the move frequencies of the opening explorer. This way you could practice open…

Lichess Feedback - Average Centipawn Loss --> MEDIAN Centipawn Loss#3

Right, but it makes a difference if the median is 8 or 38. My point is just that the *average* is not very useful. Then what about this: - Separate out the two worst blunders (top-2 centipawn loss) - …

Lichess Feedback - Average Centipawn Loss --> MEDIAN Centipawn Loss#1

Since the loser of a game usually has a huge loss near the end of the game, the "average" centipawn loss gets kind of meaningless. I think a "median" centipawn loss, or even 90-percentile, or "average…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: Improved introductory rating for new total-beginner players#1

I sometimes urge friends or family to play chess on Lichess, claiming that there are players of all levels! But what typically happens for a player who just learned the rules, is that they meet interm…

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Lichess Feedback - More flexible analysis board#1

I would be awesome with a more flexible analysis board. I see too different ways of improving the current one: 1) Have computer search built into the board editor. So whenever editing the position or …

Lichess Feedback - Combination of board edit and analysis board#1

I have an idea for an improvement of the Analysis board. Currently you can edit the game tree, i.e. make moves, take back, and create new variations, to immediately see evaluation and best moves. What…

Lichess Feedback - Annotation Symbols Feature Request#19

#17: Because in computer chess a move can't gain score. The best you can hope for is to keep the centipawn score (since the score of current position is defined by best move from that position). But a…
