
Search "user:hersco"

68 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: lengthening some tournaments#1

Some tournaments such as rapid tournaments are 2.5 hours long, but the next tournament with the same time control does not start until 3 hours later. If I log in at twenty minutes or twenty-five past …

General Chess Discussion - What should I play against 1.e4 ?#7

Well, the problem is, if you want an imbalanced game with black and you don't like solid openings like 1...e5, you need to take some chances and you probably need to know your theory (or accept that y…

Game analysis - King gambit#7

@KralSik31 said in #5: > 30.Qc4 Ne2 31.Qg8+ Why can't the king hide on g5? After 29....Nf4 30.Qc4 Ne2 31.Qg8+ Kh6 32.Qh8+ Kg5, white is out of reasonable checks, black is threatening to mate starting …

Game analysis - King gambit#4

Or ...Ne2 and Rf1

Game analysis - King gambit#3

Yes, 22.Rxf5 is nice. How does white respond to 29....Nf4, intending ...Ne2 and ...Ng3?

General Chess Discussion - Time in Tournaments#6

Well, I agree with you Salieri: it isn't really fair, any more than it is fair to you if my opponent does not make their first move and just gifts me two points (or four). On the other hand, I just ca…

Lichess Feedback - why so easy puzzles#3

There is a drop down menu that allows you to change the difficulty of the puzzles, but I did not see an option that allows for a random mix of difficulties, which is what we used to get whether we wan…

General Chess Discussion - How much stronger 200 ELO?#19

@Lidraughtsorg: There is a problem with your terminology, at least how I would understand "twice as good" or "three times as good." If we imagine three players, A, B, and C, whose ratings are 2200, 20…

General Chess Discussion - How much stronger 200 ELO?#5

Oh, and I believe Glicko is basically a variation on ELO.

General Chess Discussion - How much stronger 200 ELO?#4

I have no idea what "twice as good" means. Against another 1800, an 1800-rated player should score 50%, but a 2000-rated player will not score 100%, and against a player rated lower than 1800, an 1800…
