
Search "user:Shirayukihime"

17 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - The Berlin vs. 1.d4#4

No such thing, unfortunately. The biggest advantage of Berlin (in addition to solidity) is a lack of transpositions. One isn't getting some Sicilian from the Berlin. No 1. d4 opening offers that, in a…

Community Blog Discussions - Differences Between Over-The-Board And Online Chess#12

@Phil4Real said in #8: > Interesting. What would be the difference?

Community Blog Discussions - Differences Between Over-The-Board And Online Chess#7

Some of this advice is outright wrong for the USCF-rated games. There should be a caveat - FIDE only.

General Chess Discussion - Question about the position arising from Berlin#1

I have a question about the following position: The only master game in the database has Bb4 as the best move for Black. Computer immediately picks Bb4 too. Howev…

General Chess Discussion - Which line is the most aggressive for black in the dutch?#9

I do not think you are pawn down. Benoni is not Benko.

General Chess Discussion - Which line is the most aggressive for black in the dutch?#6

Benoni is your answer then. There is no dull line for Black but all carry strategic risks.

General Chess Discussion - Which line is the most aggressive for black in the dutch?#4

Here is a problem with the Dutch if you are an attacking player - it is White who chooses how to spin the position. Bg5 anti-Dutch, g4 variations, etc. are all attacking but for White. Basically, it i…

General Chess Discussion - I Just want to ask chess players about chess as I have Solved about 1600 puzzles till now#5

Read books, good books. Start with, for example, "Chess the easy way" by Reuben Fine (old, cheap, good).

General Chess Discussion - Are Xiangqi and Shogi fun?#5

I actually experienced an improvement in chess after playing variants. Positions appear differently but it is hard, initially, to dislodge "I can drop a piece here" from the thinking process.

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request - Add Average Centipawn Loss Over Time in Game Analysis#1

Ratings are unstable and are statistically flawed (subject to pool expansion inflation). To evaluate my progress over time it would be nice to compare quality of my moves to a reference. A graph that …
