
Search "user:MrBini"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Problems with pairing#3

Thank you for you kind answer JKnight but I didn't change rating range for opponent and clearing browser cookied didn't solve my problem. Could be my problem due to some change in my profile caused fr…

FM MrBini
Lichess Feedback - Problems with pairing#1

I have some problem with automatic fast pairing in the last month. As a matter of fact when I ask for a 3-0 game I usually wait five minute or more to be paired. It is a dramatic deterioratin of waiti…

FM MrBini
Lichess Feedback - Slow pairing#4

Thank you anjumskhan-practice but your answer didn't solve my question. Is it normal to wait 5 minute for an opponent using what is called ''fast'' pairing?

FM MrBini
Lichess Feedback - Slow pairing#1

Automatic pairing system for a 3-0 minutes games is getting too much time, often more than 5 minutes. Could some one help me to understand if it is just a my fault or whatelse? Thank you in advance fo…

FM MrBini