
Search "user:Lucianavm"

8 forum posts
Game analysis - Reportar a jugador, pero saber que opinan del juego#10

Nunca vi a nadie estar tan orgulloso de haber tenido un golpe de suerte.

Lichess Feedback - Let's Thank Thibault#44

Long life to Thibault and!!!

Lichess Feedback - Two players on one computer#11

Open the 2nd lichess account from an "incognito mode" browser window. Ctrl+CapsLock+N should open the incognito mode, where you could login in a different lichess account still using Chrome. Once esta…

Off-Topic Discussion - suicide attempts, how many?#7

Life is meaningless itself, but this is the best part! You can give life ANY meaning of your own choise! Life is an interpretation.

Off-Topic Discussion - TIPSTER LEAGUE,FIFA WORLD CUP 2014#281

Congratulations to the Tipster League champion, and -of course- congratulations to Germany on it's 4th World Champion Cup. :(

Lichess Feedback - Ping time#6

I ussually have no big trouble playing fast games with 320ms. PS: I live in Argentina.

Lichess Feedback - The machine ELO makes little sense..?#9

Sometimes i use the AI engine to replay the endgames of games i have lost, trying to redo things better according to sugestions i extract from the analysis. In that case, i use to play and replay the …

General Chess Discussion - Best way to improve begginers' game#5

Thanks everyone! I appreciate your advice very much!
