
Search "user:Kirales"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - New Chess Interface#1

I had an idea of a new stylised chess board. It is actually very very simple but I thought that it could be an interesting add. How can I present it to the lichess community?

Game analysis - MISCLICK AAAAAARGH#6

I offer takebacks if I have time on my clock and my opponent's intended move was obviously another. I do it just because I like chess more than to win at it; and if I ask for takebacks is because I am…

General Chess Discussion - How ratings relate to statistical chances of winning a game?#6

This, I think, is a great suggestion. I hope lichess team will listen to it.

Game analysis - How to play against bad openings? #5

If you have no idea what to do you could just think how to limit your opponent furthermore

Lichess Feedback - Time Alert#1

I have lost so many games in bullet because i was too relaxed and the time alert was set when I already haven't got the time to make the final moves. That really sucks. For example you can't win a com…

Lichess Feedback - Critical Time #9

I support the idea of the alarm set when there are 25 (or more) seconds left!

Lichess Feedback - Time Alert#1

Hi all I really like this site, though i have one issue with the Time Alert. If you are blitzing, realizing that you're running out of time just some seconds before time out is not really helpful. Can…
