
Search "user:ElectrickChild"

3 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Computer analysis is arrogant#5

Seems like my objection is bought grammatically and philosophically valid. I agree with a_pleasant_illusion's approach to the matter. Developing such a powerful engine and using it just as a mean to s…

Lichess Feedback - Computer analysis is arrogant#1

When the computer analysis corrects my moves, it says, for example "blunder, best was d5"... BEST? It implies it knows what's the very best move each time! Shouldn't it say "BETTER was d5"? In my humb…

Game analysis - No mistakes and lost position#1

Well, so here's my game. I'm posting it because I find it quite curious, as the computer can't find any real mistakes and I found myself totally lost and even re…
