
The new analyze design omits the alternate evaluation.

When someone makes a mistake it used to show the numerical positional evaluation not only for the move that was played but also what it would have been if the recommended move had been played. Now it only provides it for the former.

I always found it very interesting to see at a glance where I would have been in the game if I had played the computers recommended move and hope that you can re-incorporate this feature back into the evaluation page. Thank you.
OHHHHHHHH , I wasn't looking for it down there because it used to be within the move list heh. Well, I'd prefer it in the list like it used to be because it's less darting your eyes around but as long as it's still here.
Thanks for pointing that out. I can only claim chess blindness :)
Since the score of the top computer line is displayed after each move, the "best move was" score should be roughly the same score as the evaluation after the previous move. Stockfish is not likely going to change its mind much with 1 extra half-move in to its top line. From your picture (, on move 8 ...d4 should be about -0.2 and 12. Nh5 should be about 0.

It looks like the evaluation is blank after some moves with exactly 0.00 score (like 10...h4 and 11...g5 in the picture), but displays "0" when the score is between 0.01 and 0.04 or -0.01 and -0.04. That might be a small thing to change?
Oh, I see what you're saying. You can see the difference by just looking at the one before. For example, on 8 after black played d5 it caused the position to go from -.2 to +.4 ( a loss of .6 for black). Good observation. It's not quite as nice as it used to be for FAST scanning but looking at it that way it's still pretty good.
There is something else that bothers me with this new design.

Before, when we watched the replay of a game, if we made a mistake, then the chessboard indicated in a different color what would have been the best move. Now there is only our move.

Yet it was extremely useful.
For example, if you wanted to quickly review the game and realize our mistakes without necessarily exploring the rest of the best moves. Now, we have to monitor the list on the right to know if and when we have made a mistake. Even if we just want to know the first move, we have to click on the list, and then click again to go back to the replay.

Moreover, the feature enabled to view both our move and the one recommended. Now, only one or the other can be seen at once, which is less convenient.

I do not understand why it is no longer possible. Would it be possible to reimplement this feature please?
+1 to Delgan, best move displayed with the played one was very handy.
Agreed with Delgan. Ever since the update I've been downloading the PGNs and skimming through them with Stockfish. Having to check on the side for the best move rather than having it appear on screen takes way too long (especially if you make a lot of mistakes).

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