
Missed chance to defeat World Champion!

Clickbait topic?! - Indeed.
But this has happened for real and I still cant believe my luck to get paired with Magnus Carlsen (DrNykterstein) in the titled arena.

He berserked me, completely misplayed the opening and I failed to take advantage of it :<

It started with 5.Nc3 - a very rare move which scores only 38% for white accourding to the database.
After his 9.h4? I could have just played the forced sequence 9...Bxe5 10. dxe5 Qxd1+ 11. Nxd1 Nxg4 - gaining a free pawn for nothing.
With double time on the clock who knows what the outcome of our game would be?! :0

Well, after I blundered that posibility away with 9...h5 the game was basically over.
Still, I felt like I have escaped the worst and managed to defend everything after long castle (move 16).
Few moves later I believed that I am taking the initiative over the game, opening the centre, trading off his lightsquared bishop.
With 21...Nxc4 I was about to punish that "arrogant berserker" by picking that "free" bishop.
Only one move later the skewer 22.Bf4, which I completely missed, has ruined all my dreams...

I play the titled arena in Zen-mode (thanks for that feature, I guess I would not be able to make a single move if I would have seen who I am playing) and you guys can imagine how shocked I was after the game was over.
I am sorry not to have resigned immediately after his Bf4 and hope there will be another chance.
My dear WattSchrott is still blaming me for "having missed the chance of the life and falling into that opening pattern all over again". Which is sadly true - same evening, hosted a simul and got into something similar again...
Hmm yes i agree it was a close game @Funkmaus that was a very great game you lost a Knight at the end but the opening was good... He pinned your Queen to the king which was the part.
Amazing @Funkmaus. I don't have words :-)
Good luck in the future when you will play again with Carlsen Magnus :)
All the best!
Well don't worry, you'll get him next time!
And I wish you to beat him not in bullet, but in rapid or classic, it will be a more wholesome win!
@Funkmaus frankly well done !!! I saw the game live and it was awesome. defeat is a shame but who knows if you don't get another chance to play against Carlsen? stay positive it's not sad to have lost (a "good" defeat is better than a "bad" victory), the most important thing is to correct the few mistakes (even if I find this game really great) and
maybe you will have a rematch soon and maybe you will win. like any chess player, Carlsen is not invincible. and then it's really nice to have had the opportunity to play against Carlsen !!!
good luck for the rematch against Carlsen !!!
Wow amazing! It must have been an incredible moment for you, I would've been sooo nervous! hahaha
u came so close

another WFM took advantage of him berserking and survived long enough to get him in time trouble he misclicked in the end with 2sec left on the clock.
Thanks for your comments and good wishes, guys :-)

PRAISE jeffforever!!!
Checkmated Carlsen in 11 moves after the worst premove ever in Offerspill tournament yesterday!
Sheet happens to the best of us. :o
Maybe you can scholar's mate him... he probably won't see it.

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