
How awesome is chess?

We want to be rich and prosperous. But not at the expense of other nations. Thats the difference. We are not aggressors and initiators of the conflicts. We just defend OUR land and OUR native indigenous Russian people and their interests.
Probably not the response you expected, but... Chess isn't the most awesome thing. It's amazing, yes. I dedicate a large portion of my life to it, because I enjoy it. However, I prefer other games. The difference is, there isn't as much potential for competition in other games. There isn't as big a community and other games haven't been analysed and written about as much as chess.

There is more to chess than other games which I enjoy more solely because of how popular the game is.

(Side note: the CAPTCHA to post this was a super easy mate, which is kind of sad. I like the ones that take a couple seconds)
What kind of other games do you prefer more than chess? Just couple examples, it's interesting... Poker?
I do like games such as poker, where bluffing is involved and risk management, but I consider those a whole different breed of games. Chess is much more set in stone (much like my chess set).

I actually prefer war games where you can have multiple friends involved, there's more negotiation and laughter involved.

The upside to more than two players is that two, or more, players can forge an alliance that is mutually beneficial, unlike in Chess where your gain is your opponents loss.

(CAPTCHA was much more fun!)
Board war games like Monopoly (economic war) or you're talking about computer online games, like Dota 2?
Chess is like a cheeseburger. U love it than u regret u took it in your hand .. : D
The second book that came from Gutenberg`s press was a chess manual (that`s 1400`s). Chess has more books than all of the other games combined (including everything from card games to board games and comp games) + all the sports combined (including guns, bow and arrow, running, football , basketball, hockey, golf, etc...).
Conclusion: Humans like chess.

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