
What happened to my elo?

Playing online chess and not face to face with your opponent is difficult , I mean to guess who your oppenent is, a computer or only human. Even for Nigel Short It was a chess playing program that he played with and not the legendary Fischer...
It was chess playing program with some 'unmachine moves' that played against Short on ICC, not 58 old Fischer, later found out.
I may even be higher level than thinkabit, we never played. Who is the moderator? I want to speak with him in person.
Has Demolisher95 convinced anyone that he's not a cheat yet then?
Nope. Actually by giving a link to his FIDE he revealed he was lying before. He claims not to be the one on with the same username. Weird that the FIDE-link he gave is the same as the one over there had. Same name, same IP origin (country), same FIDE link.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that he got banned there twice for cheating.
thibault Demolisher95 - About 20 hours ago
I think you're clean, but I'd like you to broadcast your future games against lichess top players.
A couple other mods are still unconvinced, and they want to wait for one who isn't connected at the moment. We should reach an agreement within 24h.

This a meassge from an administrator. I have an account, and my online one there. With an IP from austria. Give me links of that "demolisher" from . I would love to see that.
Further more I livestreamed games against stockfish level 8 here.
One of them was this draw
In second game I was winning and I lost due to a time blunder -

5 people watched that. Noone can disclaim it that I am legit. Some amateur websites tend to ban me because of similarity to engine perfect games, especially short games. Not my fault I am that good.
And where are my posts about the taking back of a move?

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