
The Rebirth of Why politics on Lichess?

@LordSupremeChess said in #20:
> I'd love to see your bogus claim that you STILL HAVEN'T PROVIDED EVEN ONE LINK FOR WHEN I SAID TO IN #7 come true as well, but science says it will be the other way around. Mine will happen, and yours won't.

Fine I'll give you a link just in case you legit can't use google. You can watch the conclusion of TVs resumé of Earth Day 1970 that clearly states "only a few years left to us". Disinformation and doomsday scenarios didnt start in 1970, but the climate insanity did. It must be because the government gives those scammers millions that they so valiantly protect us from that climate monster.
@tabarjack said in #23:
> Fine I'll give you a link just in case you legit can't use google. You can watch the conclusion of TVs resumé of Earth Day 1970 that clearly states we "only a few years left to us". Disinformation and doomsday scenarios didnt start in 1970, but the climate insanity did. It must be because the government gives those scammers millions that they so valiantly protect us from that climate monster.
Do you know how many people died in Katrina in 2005?? In Irma in 2017?? Do you know how much Harvey cost in 2017?? How many died in California's multiple fires over the last 10 years?? DO YOU NOT REALIZE THAT IF THE VICTIMS OF THOSE CRISES HEARD WHAT YOU ARE SAYING RIGHT NOW WHAT THEY WOULD DO TO YOU??? They would KILL you for denying their family member's deaths. And I'm not saying that to threaten you. I'm saying this to protect you. So stop denying climate change before it comes to haunt you in 20 years from now. Please.
Yes, clearly hurricanes never happened before then. Anymore emotional BS? You crazies are irrational as always.

I won't deny their family member's death, but I won't blame "climate change". It's not like they didn't have warnings to get out before the fires or hurricanes got there. I don't even live near there and I get warned weeks in advance that shit is about to happen. I would advise them to buy insurance though. That way they don't have to deal with the costs of rebuilding next time they refuse to respect nature.
@tabarjack said in #26:
> Yes, clearly hurricanes never happened before then. Anymore emotional BS? You crazies are irrational as always.
> I won't deny their family member's death, but I won't blame "climate change". It's not like they didn't have warnings to get out before the fires or hurricanes got there. I don't even live near there and I get warned weeks in advance that shit is about to happen. I would advise them to buy insurance though. That way they don't have to deal with the costs of rebuilding next time they refuse to respect nature.
Hurricane Katrina was so severe, it caused many insurance companies to go either bankrupt or almost bankrupt in Louisiana alone!! Louisiana's average insurance cost went up so much afterwards just because of one hurricane.
What country or state do you live in anyway?
@LordSupremeChess said in #27:
> Hurricane Katrina was so severe, it caused many insurance companies to go either bankrupt or almost bankrupt in Louisiana alone!! Louisiana's average insurance cost went up so much afterwards just because of one hurricane.

Get an insurer that is pan-national. That way all their eggs aren't in one basket. Are you new to adulting?
Yes insurance costs went up as they should, because when you build on floodplains you do so in defiance of nature and clearly it bit them in the ass this time. We are just lousy animals that live on a planet that is greater than us in every possible way. Why do you think humans are so significant that they can defy nature itself? Never heard anyone living on high ground complain about hurricanes.

> What country or state do you live in anyway?
I'm in Canada. Fun fact, I am looking to buy a house. There was one for sale not far away that would have left me with a mortgage of 395$/month. You know why I didn't make an offer? In 1620, French colonialists made a map and it said not to build in the area that house is in. They know where the water goes, they know where the ice goes. When the new owner gets flooded and is banned from rebuilding, he'll wish he had looked up what I looked up.
@tabarjack said in #28:
> Get an insurer that is pan-national. That way all their eggs aren't in one basket. Are you new to adulting?
MY GOD, I'M 14 NOT 21!!
> Yes insurance costs went up as they should, because when you build on floodplains you do so in defiance of nature and clearly it bit them in the ass this time. We are just lousy animals that live on a planet that is greater than us in every possible way. Why do you think humans are so significant that they can defy nature itself? Never heard anyone living on high ground complain about hurricanes.
Then where is all the evidence coming from, huh???

> I'm in Canada. Fun fact, I am looking to buy a house. There was one for sale not far away that would have left me with a mortgage of 395$/month. You know why I didn't make an offer? In 1620, French colonialists made a map and it said not to build in the area that house is in. They know where the water goes, they know where the ice goes. When the new owner gets flooded and is banned from rebuilding, he'll wish he had looked up what I looked up.
You must look at this then.
@LordSupremeChess said in #29:

> You must look at this then.

There are a few flaws in that. Mainly heatwaves and floods. The main issue when people try to be credible by saying "This is what will happen!!!" is that the silent majority (that's 95% of the population) just waits and see. Then, when it doesn't happen, we assume the rest of their divine gift to foretell the future is also dogshit like every single fortune teller to ever live before them.

Did you know, capitalism was supposed to die in 5 years, then by 1940, then for sure in 1950, and in 1960 we would all be commies and yet, here we are while communist states fail or adopt capitalism like China did in the 90s. It's always the same thing, people want money, they create a need (saving the planet for example) and then they try to sell it to the masses in the hopes of picking up a few useful idiots that will follow them around like cult members. Look to the past and you'll see charlatans have always existed so you may avoid them in the future.

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