
What is your favorite type of weather and why?

@Bishop1964 said in #19:
> Edit : Referring to #20. I don`t know the location of this chess board. Actually I posted this photo as a reaction to posting #1 because it depicts a nice autumn scene with falling leaves in connection with a chess board.

I played on a board like this... Even used a clock so we had to run around and get a workout. It was so much fun.
I would have to say windy weather, more often just after a rain. The whirls of wind which swirl around me just after rain, in addition to the dew which establishes its place in the environment following a particularly heavy rain, is unmatched for me!
Cloudy but without rain is my ideal type of weather for driving long distances.
Sunny with few clouds is what I like for walking and hiking.
Sunny without clouds is what I prefer for swimming.
Sunny with a lot of clouds is what I like for riding motorcycle.
Rainy days are nice for sleeping or gaming/ watching movies all day.

If I had to chose only one I'd go with sunny but cloudy, it kinda fits for everything.
@airfloo said in #24:
> Cloudy but without rain is my ideal type of weather for driving long distances.
> Sunny with few clouds is what I like for walking and hiking.
> Sunny without clouds is what I prefer for swimming.
> Sunny with a lot of clouds is what I like for riding motorcycle.
> Rainy days are nice for sleeping or gaming/ watching movies all day.
> If I had to chose only one I'd go with sunny but cloudy, it kinda fits for everything.

I agree. Warm enough not to need a jacket, but cool enough not to get too hot when walking around.

Having a weird summer of a lot of rain where I am at now...
The dog days of (late July) have me misty now for falling leaves of November, and The Edge's jangly chords of New Years Day.
@morphyms1817 said in #26:
> The dog days of (late July) have me misty now for falling leaves of November, and The Edge's jangly chords of New Years Day.

Ever been to upstate New York or Vermont or any place rural in the Northeast U.S. in the fall? The colors of the trees are amazing.
Thunder storms. I used to love watching thunder and lightning through the window with my dog. She loved it too!

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