
I hate the update that people can now put an emoji in your username.

some dual roaming this thread.... and I thought the only way to animate a discussion by oneself was within own posts.
@QueenEatingDrama said in #21:
You mean that the crown (spade ace) is a flair . If you hate the flair just don't put it..Does not really matter . Say it simply as crown not space ace.. they won't understand..
Like iam telling u why u hate it and i literally have mentioned i love flares and they are free and you @Bobmaster4334 IS talking about

" If you hate flair just don't put it..."
If you hate it, it is really your own business but I am asking why u guys hate it what is wrong with them.
They are just free to have!

Bob u have one too.
So wdym by that? I LIKE it so I have this on.
@QueenEatingDrama said in #33:
> Like iam telling u why u hate it and i literally have mentioned i love flares and they are free and you @Bobmaster4334 IS talking about
> " If you hate flair just don't put it..."
> If you hate it, it is really your own business but I am asking why u guys hate it what is wrong with them.
> They are just free to have!
> Bob u have one too.
> So wdym by that? I LIKE it so I have this on.

I love this designs but still its made for decoration for your profile. This is simply good design. I know its free and u like it but he hates it he simply should not put it if he hates it . No need to ask just ignore it: if you don't want to see than in tournaments then just do Zen mode in games yo won't able to see it! No need for more information.
you is both singular and plural.
in English it also can be used as impersonal.

like "one". in french we have "on".

there is "thy" also. In some contexts. Like "thy shall".
@dboing said in #35:
> you is both singular and plural.
> in English it also can be used as impersonal.
> like "one". in french we have "on".
> there is "thy" also. In some contexts. Like "thy shall".
Unaccustomed as I am to wading into discussions of pronouns, allow me to correct you.
It's *thou shalt*, not 'thy shall'.
As in, "Thou shalt not covet *thy* neighbour's ox".
bruh u guys are soo jobless that u r discussing such a random stupid topic
dont u have something better to do like playing chess
spare the people who are putting emojis in their usernames
<Comment deleted by user>
This is not useful feedback anymore.

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