

@bendmotorindex said in #39:
> I did my best to shut this conversation down because your answers are 1 a false flag mind you organized by Zionist and we have proofs of it even news networks,
> And you guys always keep on get back to Hamas? It is a wonder that not all 9 million Palestinian did not became Hamas mind you, also on that 7th Octobre attacks we debunked it the 8th of October all with Apache view and orders etc.
> You speek to an InfoSec, and you just want to be right and have last word. Typic for your race sadly...
im not asking for an argument. but if you criticize my religion, im not taking that lightly. all i said is i strongly disagree with muslims, and you cry about that being hate.
@ALucasM said in #38:
> and as a US citizen, I can tell you that this women's rights thing is bull.

I know ladies that would make you cry if they on you, know that? with what you say here.
And your religion would not save you from that.
@ALucasM said in #41:
> im not asking for an argument. but if you criticize my religion, im not taking that lightly. all i said is i strongly disagree with muslims, and you cry about that being hate.

Read well, all. And conclude.
and are you saying that 9/11 was organized by Zionists? we caught the leader of the 9/11 attacks. His name was Ayman. and his terrorist group was Al-Qaeda, which is an undeniable fact. And don't get me started on the attack on Hamas. i don't agree with what Israel is doing, but these MUSLIM TERRORISTS have been terrorizing Israeli citizens for years.
@bendmotorindex said in #43:
> Read well, all. And conclude.

fact is, you keep respond and end with bs like last 1 said I need time to think before answer and you don't realize that we regard your race as lyars.
@CSKA_Moscou said in #40:
> cool ! for the moment I'm playing with the lycan which is a level VII tank destroyer. not bad, pretty good aim but the armor is a shame. 3 shots from the opponent and it's broken.
> I play f2p so it's hard to get premium tanks
do you have the Silencer? i got the silencer, but i had to buy the swindler with gold because i didn't have enough snippets. but i can sell it for more gold than i bought it for!!
@ALucasM said in #44:
> and are you saying that 9/11 was organized by Zionists? we caught the leader of the 9/11 attacks. His name was Ayman. and his terrorist group was Al-Qaeda, which is an undeniable fact. And don't get me started on the attack on Hamas. i don't agree with what Israel is doing, but these MUSLIM TERRORISTS have been terrorizing Israeli citizens for years.

Yes, and we know more. In fact Israel payed Isis etc and many other proofs, were you living under a rock?
@bendmotorindex said in #42:
> I know ladies that would make you cry if they on you, know that? with what you say here.
> And your religion would not save you from that.
and i know ladies who would agree with me
This is a typical teenager rant. More or less has been the same for many generations
@bendmotorindex said in #47:
> Yes, and we know more. In fact Israel payed Isis etc and many other proofs, were you living under a rock?
even if that were true, the Muslims made a decision to attack. it doesn't make them any less guilty. just makes them money loving people who don't care about the people they hurt in the prosses of getting that money, which sounds to me to be worse.

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