
Puzzle 17071

This puzzle is wrong. The correct continuation after Nxd6 Kd7, it should be Qxf7+ Kc6 Qxb7 Kc5 and then Rd5#. But the answer to the puzzle is Nxd6 Kd7 Nxb7+ Ke8 and then Nd6+??

This puzzle is completely wrong
Yeah, this one (10701 not 17071) is goofy as hell. I think the first K move is supposed to be ..Kd8 not ..Kd7, thus avoiding the mate-in-three, but then the obvious queen capture in the main line, even though it begins a mate-in-seven, is "Good move but you can do better," yet the "correct" Nd6+ move walks back the advantage. This one needs to be tossed out.

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