
losing 130 points for stalemate

stalemate should not make you lose points, and even if you lode points , not this many points, I am quite disgruntled, I went from 1611 to 1481, because I eliminated all my opponent's pieces except for his king, plus, I had a queen and a rook, I would have checkmated him in 2 to 5 moves.

signed, disgruntled >:(

the game in question:
this is unacceptable. they should change the rules. you should get even more points doing stalemate than by checkmate. you just proved you aren't affraid of stalemate and this should be appreciated. that's my opinion
I agree, of course a quick stale mating is much better than a slow mate sequence.
stalemating in only 1 with a rook and a queen when there is a mate in 2 to 5 moves is not that easy.
it should be rewarded !
It's a draw and your rating is extremely volatile because you haven't played many games yet. After you've played 30+ games, stalemates will only gain or lose you 0-2 points.
NO, stale mate is a draw, it gives the losing opponent a chance to draw. The reason you lost so many points is that you have only played 4 games, so your rating change is higher. Soon it will even out much more.
Also, it was because you drawed a 1100 rtd plaYER :)
The ratings are not based on points. If it changes then it means it was wrong before, the rating change just shows how much it was wrong. It will stabilize after more games. I would recommend ignoring the number completely, at least until the "?" next to it disappear.
stalemate isn't a draw... FIDE counts it the same as a draw but it is defined as a winning position for one side wherein the otherside can do absolutely nothing
Stalemate IS a draw. It was codified as such during the 1800s, long before FIDE. Prior to that there were many inconsistencies to how a stalemate was handled, but it's been a very, very long time a standard rule of chess that a stalemate is indeed one situation in which a draw occurs. Later the 50-move rule and 3-fold repetition were added. Regardless, it's irrelevant to the discussion.

The OP was asking about rating points. He obviously doesn't understand Glicko ratings. It's been explained by a few people. Several others took the opportunity to troll. Ultimately, the pretense of the OP is off base though, deeming that no points should be added or removed in a stalemate. I'm sorry, but if Magnus Carlsen were to draw against a 1400 rated player, he should no longer be the top rated player in the world. Points will be awarded or removed on a draw based on the strength of your opponent and in Glicko the confidence in your rating as well.

Not much else to be said about this.

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