
Will you get rating points back if your opponent is detected as a cheater?

I want to know if you are getting lost rating points back if you lose to a cheater.
If the cheater is detected by lichess and is proven to be one then get your points refunded
Yes, but I once played in a arena and lost to a very low rated player.. who turned out to be a cheater. I lost many points.. That player was detected by lichess as a cheater and I got some points back, but not as much as the points I have lost to him.
I really don't understand peoples obsession with points. Am I missing something? Do you win a weekend away for two if you get to the top?
If only people read the "frequently asked questions" which they get shown when they try to make a thread before posting in forums...
Chess is a tough game that requires high degree's of mental effort and concentration to win games...your rating is a result of all that hard work and a rating past 1800 or so is a rating well earned through blood, sweat and tears and means a lot to people with good reason, there is no doubt peoples ego's and pride are tied up in their ratings in some way, its nothing to be embaressed about....
you are rated 1555 which, while not exactly weak, is a rating achieved by not really putting the effort in if you dont mind me saying, which is probably why it doesnt matter to you

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