

That's not checkmate, rzenaikrzys: 1. Ra1 Nf1 2. Rxf1+ Kxf1 3. Rd1+ Rf1.

You should consider the possibility that you're wrong before saying the puzzle makes no sense.
Good,sorry,You are right,There is Rook also(white),
Please write to me Kristo next time,
I have over 1250 puzzles and You have to admit that some of puzzles are no sense
Is it true?
Yes I know but I vote up when Puzzles are interesting
I have question to You:
Checkmate in 1(Puzzles)-is it interesting in Your opinion?
Kristo, it all depends on the framing of the problem. The way puzzles work now it's not clear right away what type of problem you get, and in this setting even mate in 1 could be interesting.
#3341: Solution is Ne6+ Kc8 Nxf8 Bd5, computer plays the best moves but IMO that is not the correct thing in this puzzle, it should test if you saw the variation Ne6+ Kc8 Nxf8 Rxf8 Rxg7

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