
how to pass 1700 rapid rating and go to 2200

Its like first walking than running you have to do puzzles than go into rapid.
Play fewer games instead. Look at what you play against the most. Focus on improving 2 or 3 of those lines with better precision while going nuclear on tactics puzzles and hone your endgame. Create or find 10 positional endgames similar to what you see most and make sure you are down not equal
@xCheSStOoeaSYx said in #7:
> pls

Tactics are useful for everyone, but i also recommend you to work on opening. Try to memorize well 3 opening per side with some variations and lines. 1700 - 2200 is a good goal, but trust me that you need to be patient and motivated everyday if you want to get this. So another advice is to play tournament as much as possible, because you can face players of all level and, 2200s.
Obviously, work on strategy and choice making. Since it's online, do not care about psychology))
Chess progress after the adult plateau: the new unicorn!

If you're younger, you'll probably progress no matter what you do.

If you've seriously been playing chess for ten years, you'll be lucky to go up 50 points in 5 years.

I'm not saying greater progress is impossible, mind you. It's not even "impossible" to win the Power Ball lottery, after all. But I won't hold my breath waiting to progress much, at my age. Any by "my age" I mean at any time in the last ten years.

After a while, though, one gets used to wiping the sand off one's face. So it's okay. I won't even whimper when I get beat, yet again, by some pre-teen who has memorized 200 opening lines to 15 ply.

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