
How fast can you run 100 m ?

'Never Run, it Jangles up the Insides too much' - Satchel Paige - :]
When I was around 22 my record was 13 secs.
Now that I am more than double that, I could probably do it in a couple of minutes :(
Aged 12 I could run 440 meters in 68 seconds. That gives 15 seconds for 100 meters. However the first 100 meters are probably a bit faster than the other 340, and I'm older and stronger and I've been running more, so maybe 12 to 15 seconds.
somewhere around 15-20 sec. Never have been a good runner, especially not now after my knee-accident.
@chesscomispaytowin20 said in #16:
> 100m 6 sec
If it's really the case, can you just do sample evidence of running in front of me while I am watching you in that much amount of time?

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