
Why do people cyber bully?

Wow, the conversation has gone from Cyber Bullying to Chuck Berry!
Chuck the Berry outta the window and let's go back to cyber bullying.
I thought My Ding-a-ling was Jim Stafford, didn't know it was a Chuck Berry cover.guess you learn something every day.
#29 @sabutuma
You're describing yourself (People who have nothing better than to post in forums all day)
I don't know even I was bullied by a player here on lichess, he/she (I don't wanna public shame) referred me as a CRAZY.
wow i didnt realise that such a feature exists here 36 but you dont get pinged if youve already blocked the person pinging you , thats way cool cs i cannot be mithered with being bothered by numpties ive blocked already

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