
Anonymous opponent can't move in correspondence game

Hi all. I looked through the contact page and didn't really find an appropriate spot for this issue, so I am making a post here. I started a casual unrated correspondence game with an offline friend of mine ( please do not laugh too hard at my opening play, we don't use books or computer assistance). He didn't create a Lichess account. He says he cannot make a move. I suspect it's because his ISP reset his IP address and the Lichess server no longer recognizes who he is. I suppose he can create an account and we can replay the game, but is there another way of getting the game going again?
Why would I laugh at this game? No one really blundered so far.
If your friend is an IRL fried, you could recreate this position on a chessboard and play with him.
You can also make a game by clicking on your friend's future Lichess account and challenge him, but put the game mode on "From Position" and recreate this position. Then, play with your friend.
You can resolve this issue by going to the analysis board and going to the exact same position. Somewhere on the right side you have the option to "play from here" and then just select with a friend and I think you'll figure it out from there :)

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