
Winning with a blunder, or how you see this Stockfish reaction?

Dear more experienced players,

on Stockfish level 4, computer stopped to what it read to be a blunder, and finally ran out of time. Do you think it absolutely was a blunder, or
13... axb4
14. axb4 Bxb4 (?)
15. Bf7+ Rf7
16. Rxf7

14. bxa5 Bxa5/Bc7
15. a4

Any experienced insight welcome, have a good day.
without looking into too much detail' I see Bxf7+ & Bxc3 as well as Rxa7 so if I'm Playing Blaclk I might get very happy with two Pieces for a Rook ( The Knight goes away Bxc3 later @HardLearningGuy
Thank you for comments,

especially NM ThunderClap.

Stockfish sudden stopping and interpretation were surprises, and I needed "2nd opinion":

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