

The Frustrating thing is @vvaaaqqqqvvaqvvvvaqv is that @vvaaaqqqqvvaqvvvvaqv does not value our thoughts because there are no responses & the way @vvaaaqqqqvvaqvvvvaqv feels will be the way @vvaaaqqqqvvaqvvvvaqv feels without any back & forth conversation with our forum reponses' . After all when writting in the Forum a Post yes people express themselves but without ever replying to any comments expecially when they are heartfelt expressions of care seems like we are the neglected ones >>>>>>>>>>>> ACCEPT HELP ... WE ALL LOSE and ALOT especially as we LEARN & the learning process has to be done by self- involving improvements to US & You . Chess isn't the problem @vvaaaqqqqvvaqvvvvaqv Accepting help seems to be'
@ThunderClap said in #11:
> The Frustrating thing is ....

I had to delete your comment because I did not want to ping him 5 more times... ;-)
I think the author of the forum had a rough day and just wanted to vent. People's responses aren't wasted because other people read the forum and realize they are not alone when they have a rough chess day too. Happens to everyone like you said...

We live an learn. ;-)
@vvaaaqqqqvvaqvvvvaqv said in #1:
> Why do I play this shit. Obviously not for me. Ridiculous. Un-fucking-believable. I don't even have fun while playing, I'm full of dread. It would be okay if I improved but nope.

It's hard to make good moves when I'm having a panic attack ?
@vvaaaqqqqvvaqvvvvaqv said in #1:
> Why do I play this shit. Obviously not for me. Ridiculous. Un-fucking-believable. I don't even have fun while playing, I'm full of dread. It would be okay if I improved but nope.

In the first game you had 8 minutes on the clock when you blundered the queen. We all do stuff like this from time to time, but...when you are not in time pressure, check before you make every move. Is the piece you are about to capture protected? Is the square you're about to move to protected? Does the opponent have a threat like mate in 1 that you need to attend to? You need to develop good habits so I'll repeat my advice from the previous thread - play longer games. 10 min is a start in the right direction but you need to USE THAT TIME effectively. I think at this point you need to build those good habits and actually winning the game is secondary. Even losing on time is alright provided that you are developing good habits.

Someone else offered to play some casual/unrated games with you and discuss the moves, and I would take them up on that offer. I was going to make a similar offer but I get the impression you're not really serious about working at chess. Chess is hard work for most of us. You have to study basic tactics, basic positonal concepts, endgames, a little opening theory. You're going to have to put in the work in a consistent and serious way.

Or you can just keep starting threads like this I guess. Maybe that's more fun.
There are plenty of Youtube Coaches ... for you I would suggest Matojelic as a first choice ...
@borninthesixties said in #15:
> In the first game you had 8 minutes on the clock when you blundered
> the queen. We all do stuff like this from time to time, but...when you
> are not in time pressure, check before you make every move. Is the
> piece you are about to capture protected? Is the square you're about
> to move to protected? Does the opponent have a threat like mate in 1
> that you need to attend to? You need to develop good habits so I'll
> repeat my advice from the previous thread - play longer games. 10
> min is a start in the right direction but you need to USE THAT TIME
> effectively. I think at this point you need to build those good habits ...
> Chess is hard work for most of us. You have to study basic tactics,
> basic positonal concepts, endgames, a little opening theory. ...
httpscolon//lichessperiodorg/jvlr3HLn httpscolon//lichessperiodorg/Clqdf4U0
Sometimes, I get the feeling that many have the misconception that, just by playing a lot of fast games, one gradually acquires some sort of a chess-spider-sense that tingles when danger is near.
@kindaspongey said in #17:
> httpscolon//lichessperiodorg/jvlr3HLn httpscolon//lichessperiodorg/Clqdf4U0
> Sometimes, I get the feeling that many have the misconception that, just by playing a lot of fast games, one gradually acquires some sort of a chess-spider-sense that tingles when danger is near.

And that probably does happen, but not quickly for most. BTW, your link is mangled...can't tell what you were referring to.
@kindaspongey said in #17:
> ... httpscolon//lichessperiodorg/jvlr3HLn httpscolon//lichessperiodorg/Clqdf4U0 ...
@borninthesixties said in #18:
> ... your link is mangled...can't tell what you were referring to.
There were two representations of links. To get them to work, it is necessary to replace colon with : and replace period with .
If I do that, the software seems to automatically completely replace the link with a display of the game (leaving out some of the information). I want people to be able to see the games as they appear in the records of vvaaaqqqqvvaqvvvvaqv.

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