
My plan to become a GM

@ThunderClap said in #10:
> In order to reach goals you will have to play alot of over the board rated chess ... about 80 games a year to 100 games a year about

Is 80 to 100 games a year a lot, in chess terms? I'm taken aback.
@DrMsBoss ... Well if you play in an official chess tournament live rated ... You don't usually play more than one or two games a day ... So for Instance if you play in a Holiday Three Day Weekender Five times a Year you get 30 games in probably . You have to go on weeknights and get games in as well at a chess club & an occasional tournament say a Quad where you can fit 3 games in a day
@ThunderClap said in #12:
> @DrMsBoss ... Well if you play in an official chess tournament live rated ... You don't play more than one or two games a day ... So for Instance if you play in a Holiday Three Day Weekender Five times a Year you get 30 games in probably . You have to go on weeknights and get games in as well at a chess club & an occasional tournament say a Quad where you can fit 3 games in a day

I suppose that works? You can supplement that with a few k online games I guess
@KevinChessAz2021 said in #6:
> What he means is that you meet him in person

yes we live in the same house and he saw me analyzing a gameon my smartphone ...
That's how we got to know each other.
We always play on the board, and game analysis is always carried out without a computer.
He'll be 80 soon ...
@ThunderClap said in #10:
> In order to reach goals you will have to play alot of over the board rated chess ... about 80 games a year to 100 games a year about

Due to my handicap, I am not very mobile,
but currently play chess live for more than 30 hours a week
@ThunderClap said in #8:
> I just went through alot of games on lichess by you & you play well but I do see a difference in Rapid Chess Play that took me aback a bit' ... I don't know how many over the board games of chess you have played as of yet . I would say you should play some 5 minute blitz as well . There are certain Chess Books & Chess Videos you would find very helpful . When I did play over the games I did see the engine evals & your ideas as well so it was interesting . A Great book for you would be Endgame Strategy by Mikhail Sherevesky & Books about Ideas in the Openings & Ideas in the Middlegames

Live I always play a 20 minute game for training, that's actually where I feel most comfortable,
5 minute Blitz is very stressful for me, so I have to leave out too many strategy thoughts

The book "Endgame Strategy" has been recommended to me several times - thank you - but unfortunately
I can't concentrate while reading it.
This has to do with my slight authism ...
@Kirosch ...If he is 79 years old he was born right around when Bobby was born ,,, Fischer probably he is a year older than he would be so maybe GM Wolfgand Uhllman hehe' wild ' guess but I do know my Chess heh' Plus he played the French which you do also
@ThunderClap said in #18:
> @Kirosch ...If he is 79 years old he was born right around when Bobby was born ,,, Fischer probably he is a year older than he would be so maybe GM Wolfgand Uhllman hehe' wild ' guess but I do know my Chess heh' Plus he played the French which you do also

Out of respect, I'll ask him before if I can post the name ;)
@Peristilo said in #17:
> Doing puzzles is not a waste pf time.

I've talked to very experienced players about this and they have different opinions.
I think that also depends on your own skill level and training method.
For me, it's waste of time, for others a good way to study ;)

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