
Lichess Game of the Month March - Contest

In this game, I tried a risky approach, 10. h4?!
The engine does not like the position for me, but I tried.
My opponent made two consecutive blunders and I managed to pry the position open in not a long time after the blunders. I won the game at move 20.

This is attacking play at its finest
I did two blunders but i think i played like Mikal Tal!
I had won a NM but I was worse in the last position but the NM couldn't find the best move and I won if I was higher rated I wouldn't have made that mistake but I was won the entire game
In this game I was playing against a 2250 in a 3+0 game. An En Passant and a very even Endgame from a Caro-Kann with an aggressive Queenside Castle that paid off! There was no berzerking and I am proud of this win!

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