
Impossible chess challenge?

Is it possible to create a chess position in which the best move for white (white to move), is to draw with perpetual check, with the condition that if we take the same position but with black to move, black's best option would also be to draw with perpetual check.

I think its impossible to setup such a position.
hey man I just found this position, its not ur answer but its funny.
I think it may be possible by having a position in which whoever moves is in zugzwang, but both sides can perform perpetual check.
@motion, unfortunately that's not a solution to the challenge since whoever moves first wins :P.
All of these solutions are also incorrect im afraid :P
Whoever moves first wins in all these positions, and in some case not even perpetual check is possible.

The problem is that logic dictates that this shouldn't be possible, if the best move for white is to draw by check then black should have some advantage, so it we take the same position but with black to move, what can happen to this advantage to make black accept a draw by performing perpetual check himself?

My hats are off to whoever can prove that such a position does in fact exists.
#10 "if the best move for white is to draw by check then black should have some advantage"

Wrong, it could also mean that black will have an advantage if white makes any other move, or that white will have an advantage if black makes any other move.
We therefore could imagine a situation where there's only one piece other than a pawn or the king that can move, but the only move that it can do without sacrifying itself (and thus giving advantage to the opponent) is to check the king perpetually.
Good luck for that :D

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