IM Pheonix_98 Lichess coach picture

IM Sai Agni Jeevitesh J

Rise and Shine!

LocationHyderabad India
Languagesहिन्दी, हिंदी, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 24042705
Hourly rate25-40$ per hr
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hello! My name is J Sai Agni Jeevitesh from India.
I am an International master (IM).
I finished my Engineering in Computer Science (BE).
If you are interested in taking classes from me, you can send me a message here or contact me at my Whatsapp number +91 9177343447 or send a email to
Currently I am available for Online Classes, Training games and also Offline-Coaching Camps.

Playing experience

I have started playing Chess as a kid at a young age after my School in the evenings. And slowly I found my passion in it and since then Chess has become a major part of my life. Been playing competitive chess since last 15 years.

Teaching experience

I have been working with students of various ages and strengths in Offline/Online mode since last 7 years. Couple of my students have won medals for there Country at various levels.

Other experiences

I am a Software Engineer and Well versed with the technology and latest updates.

Best skills

- Identifying and Improving the weak areas of the students
- Calculation part and the methods to calculate well
- Opening preparation (General, Tournament)
- Theoretical Endgames & Practical Endgames
- Important middlegame themes and Patterns to know
- Psychological points and correct attitude and approach towards the game
- Interactive classes where students can actively participate and ask doubts and learn easily

Teaching methodology

The classes will be done either in Zoom/Google Meets/Skype with audio and video.
I will be giving a clear cut plan about what topics we are going to discuss.
Analysis of the games & finding mistakes and areas to improve.
Training games for Specific openings