
Search "user:andlind"

17 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Show board every x moves#7

Here is an example game where it would have been nice to take a peek at the board. (I use blindfolded_a to play blindfold.) on move 22 I resigned because I did not r…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Show board every x moves#6

I think it would be good for rated because then people could use it in quick pairing.

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Show board every x moves#4

@dboing said in #3: Maybe propose it as only applicable to casual, to alleviate that kind of negative apprehension. Why only make it for casual?

Lichess Feedback - Features that would make lichess perfect and complete#24

I would like a setting that makes confirm move not happen when time is critical.

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Show board every x moves#2

What is wrong with this idea?

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Show board every x moves#1

I was trying to play blindfold but my visualization stops being good after about 10 moves so I think it would be good to have a feature that shows the board every 10 moves or maybe have that length be…

General Chess Discussion - Multiple accounts#41

@TCF_Namelecc said in #19: The terms of service is wrong, I'm told it is getting updated. How did you find out about this?

General Chess Discussion - Multiple accounts#15

#14 but when you create an account you have to say that you will not make multiple accounts but you would be making multiple.

General Chess Discussion - Multiple accounts#11

@TCF_Namelecc said in #5: > Everyone is allowed to create multiple accounts, though I would avoid creating too many. But it has you agree to not create multiple accounts to create one

General Chess Discussion - Multiple accounts#1

Why does Magnus Carlsen create multiple accounts when at the make an account place it has you check a box that says "I agree that I will not create multiple accounts?"
