
Search "user:achava_06"

198 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How to broadcast#6


Game analysis - Dirty players in bullet#17

That's what you sign up for when playing bullet or just premoving in general. If you don't want that play longer time controls is my reccomendations (or don't premove too often, like how Carlsen blund…

General Chess Discussion - sandbaggers#9

Or maybe they just played a good game and their opponent did play well

Off-Topic Discussion - how many TOTAL squares on a chess board#12

oh, I see what you mean now, I understand. I am pretty sure there is an nCr formula with n!/r!(n-r)!, I'll try to solve the answer now

Off-Topic Discussion - how many TOTAL squares on a chess board#10

@chess1048576 64 rectangles, but squares are also rectangles. Also, b x h gives you 8 x 8 which is 64 squares.

General Chess Discussion - What does it take YOU to block someone here?#31

Apologize for what? Playing chess. There is nothing garunteed by playing chess. You are not garunteed to be played against fairly, have good internet/server connection, a strong opponent, or someone w…

General Chess Discussion - What does it take YOU to block someone here?#27

#23 - and it is your fault for stalemating them. Eric Rosen does that all the time, would you block him?

General Chess Discussion - What does it take YOU to block someone here?#26

Yes, but if you block every person who has a bad playing style, you'll lose good experience. Sometimes it's better to try and punish their bad playing style and you have to come up with good moves and…

General Chess Discussion - Close Account#3

#2 Thanks. I know I can and have done that with youtube. The problem is that I know how to unblock it so if I have a really strong urge then I can. I'll try it out for the time being.

General Chess Discussion - Close Account#1

Hi all, I am planning on closing my lichess account temporarily so that I could start focusing on school. I have become addicted to online speed chess so I need to take a brake from it until summer va…
