
Search "user:V1chess"

520 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - DHMO the silent killer.#35

DHMO is the most abundant compound in Clorox Bleach.

General Chess Discussion - The whole bishop v night thing#28

@YGNR the answer is very complicated. Garry Kasparov thinks bishops are worth 3.5 pawns and knights 3 pawns. Anand has once said that he prefers knights. Both of them are former world champions, and e…

Lichess Feedback - Mobile App Analysis Board Bug#1

On the Android App, there is a bug in the analysis board. After playing through a long variation and attempting to delete it, a dialog box is shown asking whether or not I really want to delete the lo…

Lichess Feedback - Broadcast Problems#6

Yes, I occasionally have this problem, too. Usually, it resolves itself in about ten seconds (at least on my hardware). For me, disabling local analysis does the trick. I'm not sure how to reproduce i…

Lichess Feedback - Samsung s 10+ won't allow me to move, lost due to timeout for over minute#2

How stable is your internet connection? On my Android phone, sometimes the internet connection randomly drops. I'm not sure if this is a problem with my whone or the wi-fi at my house. If this happene…

Off-Topic Discussion - The Case of Angelo Diablo#5

Angelo Diablo had a brain-damaged bonobo named Behaard the retaard. One day Angelo discovered that Behaard was suffering from a priapism. He went to the internet and found a video giving instructions …

Lichess Feedback - Game Analysis CSV File#2 username here) Here you can examine variables like average move time, opening, castling side, and blunders.

General Chess Discussion - What to do as a Benoni/KID/Benko player VS quiet 1 d4 lines??? #7

@Kusokosla good question, I need answers as well. I play both the KID and the Benko/Benoni, and I, too, struggle with pawn structures where white doesn't play c4. @Rise in the KID, black can play ...c…

General Chess Discussion - WHERE'S MY TROPHY??!!!!!#6

The only tournaments that give you trophies are shield tournaments ( and marathons. Marathons are 4 times a year, and give you trophies for top 100, top 50, top …

Lichess Feedback - Lichess#4

@LiChessSucks doesnt tho But I do
