
Search "user:AngryDragon1009"

18 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Analysis board is black#2

Looks like it might be because i am using a plugin called stylish.

Lichess Feedback - Analysis board is black#1 I cannot see my analysis board on my game.

Lichess Feedback - Opponent leaves during completely won game#4

weird i didn't get that warning, i always have seen previous restarts but not this one. I saw something about tournament issues

Lichess Feedback - Opponent leaves during completely won game#1

Lichess had an unexpected restart and my opponent left on purpose knowing the server would restart. Why wouldn't Lichess give at least a 10 min heads up so I don't start a new game? https://lichess.or…

Game analysis - This should be a puzzle#4

Puzzles aren't about falling for things, it's about forced win of material/checkmate/ or some defensive idea

Game analysis - This should be a puzzle#2

Why would that be a puzzle, there's like 5+ winning moves

General Chess Discussion - Training partner: specific positions#10

contacted everyone, openings i prefer are some variations in caro-kann, semi-slav, and maybe english or KID as white

General Chess Discussion - Training partner: specific positions#4

Sure, the more the better!

General Chess Discussion - Training partner: specific positions#1

I need someone to train with to practice playing certain opening positions. I will play positions of your liking in return or possibily another request. Or if someone can refer me to another resource …

Game analysis - Suggestions on how to safely convert this#6

You did great developing your pieces and protecting against big threats. One thing I would say is the position at move 18 is very imbalanced. You have strong center control, up in material, and you ha…
