
Search "user:kabacis"

37 forum posts
Game analysis - Smothered mate#6

Congratz:) I have done it several times in fast chess. Definetly most beautiful mate in chess;)

Off-Topic Discussion - What are you listening when you are playing chess??#37

When i study i listen to Classics(for last month i've been listening to Mozart paino sonatas, Vivaldi before that), but when i play i usually dont listen to anything, its just too intense, emotions ar…

General Chess Discussion - Why do people become strong chess players?#2

EDIT: Too bad there is no edit function in this forum:P I just wanted to add, that playing chess would not be only thing i do with this level of play. I also want to do other things like coaching, wri…

General Chess Discussion - Why do people become strong chess players?#1

What i mean is - why do they do it? I understand why people play chess - they enjoy it. I understand why people want to get from rating 1200 to 1700(elo) - its easy and quick to do. You probably can g…

Game analysis - Playing positionaly #3

positional style opening*

Game analysis - Playing positionaly #2

thats kind of my style especially in blitz, but gotta take notice of your opening, it has "gambit" in its name. Thats not the most common position style:)

General Chess Discussion - How to play like 2400#10

I also suggest a book "Chess Any Age" by Rolf Wetzell. There he creates a termin that he calls Components of Chess Capability Or CCC. That consists of 5 aspects: 1) Amount of Images (group…

Game analysis - Duras gambit#5

Lol 1.e4 f5 2.ef Kf7 :DDDD I played this actually, its fun lol!:D

Game analysis - I can't stop making blunders.#19

Also youll learn to predict many times opponent is more likely to make a mistake or blunder himself, but thats also on a very quick time controles, not above 15min+5sec incriment timecontrol, which ar…

Game analysis - I can't stop making blunders.#18

Thats not a good way to learn chess blazeop:)) Its a good way to learn about compensation and using weaknesses created by opponent, but if you do this regulary youll become very bad chess player and o…
