
Search "user:Chessboardbreaker"

32 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Equality Puzzles#2

Thanks for sharing! :)

Lichess Feedback - conditional resignation in correspondance games#3

@cassiopee1990 personally, I think that would be cool. Especially the conditional premove resignation. @kaissa44 If I see a forced loss and im sure my opponent does too, then you are right but if im n…

General Chess Discussion - Why does black win this game by time? Shouldn't it be a draw?#17

#12 #15 Yes thats it

General Chess Discussion - Why does black win this game by time? Shouldn't it be a draw?#13

imagine: king H8 - king F7 king H7 - king F8 king H8 - bishop g5 pawn H7 - bishop f6 # edit: from this position

General Chess Discussion - Why does black win this game by time? Shouldn't it be a draw?#11

damnit it doesnt. wait 1 sec, i will write them down.

General Chess Discussion - Why does black win this game by time? Shouldn't it be a draw?#9

i hope this displays the moves:

General Chess Discussion - Why does black win this game by time? Shouldn't it be a draw?#6

General Chess Discussion - Why does black win this game by time? Shouldn't it be a draw?#4

to be more specific, If white didnt had the last pawn, it would have been a draw because of insuficient material. Black cant win with a single bishop, but in this scenario he can checkmate whites king…

Lichess Feedback - Can lichess stop paring me with new players? Like exactly "1500?"#9

@lichecks when you press on: "create a game", you can select your desired rating-range. Depending on your Rating, you should be able to choose a range, in which 1500 wouldnt be possible, i think.

General Chess Discussion - puzzle storm#4

In the FAQ they say the following: "You always play the same colour during a storm run." Dans les FAQ jai trouvé cela: "Vous jouez toule temps la meme couleur dans un storm run" Sorry for weak french …
